الصلوۃ والسلام علیک یارسول اللہﷺ

Islam, the religion of peace and love has been always a victim. Since the existence of all religions, Islam has always faced various kinds of animadverts .other religions are not giving that kind of respect to the Islam that they are giving to each other. Who is responsible for this the Muslim or someone else? If we ask this type of question to a Muslim his/her answer will be a Muslim because the present Muslims are not fully following the rules and regulations of Islam. Islam was the only religion in which a woman was fully secure because Allah has given the rights to a woman. Islam was that kind of religion in which all the peoples were given equality but the present Muslims have changed the motives of Islam. In Islam there is a holy book called Quran in which the answer to everything is present, all the problems have the solution in Quran, there is also legality ( shar re aat ) which is full of education, peace, love, and spiritual power. These are the two basic things, the Quran and the legality ( shar re aat) on which Islam is based on, no one will find any kind of obscene in them. The Muslims are the followers of that prophet who has never done any misdeed in his whole life, who is always with peace and love.It is only in Islam in which a human can control his desires for the sake of Allah which eventually leads to him/her a more resistive person for any difficult situation in his/her life. Fasting during Ramadan is one such example in which a Muslim has to avoid the consumption of food or any energy-giving substance until the order of Allah. The rules are greatly regularized in Islam; the punishment for the thief is cutting off the hands because other peoples can't dare to steal anything. Muslims have to pay 2.5% of money towards the path of Allah and his beloved prophet Muhammad ﷺ i.e. to give that money to the poor peoples, handicapped, and orphan or someone who is in need, which in Islam is called zakat. In Islam the murder is not legal till your legality ( shar re aat ) has been affected, even then you can't kill the children's, women's, and old aged peoples.
In the present day of the world, the word terrorism is used on the behalf of Islam. Initially, we should know what terrorism is: it means the killing of innocent peoples or inducing fear into the minds of peoples. There could be a lot of reasons for terrorism but present peoples are blaming that Islam has a relationship with terrorism because they have seen some less educated peoples around them and they are thinking whole the Muslim community is like them. If we see around the world there are only two types of peoples one good and other bad peoples, and they are belonging to different types of religions, so every religion has good as well as bad types of followers. we can't particularly say that some religion is the group of terrorism. If we see history not only the Muslims but terrorists were from different religions, so we can say terrorist doesn't have any religion. No one has understood why the terrorists are present and what is their motive? according to me, It is the misunderstanding, misguidance, lack of knowledge and bad environment, etc. which are motivating the peoples to become a terrorist. Some peoples are becoming terrorists for their religions; they want their religion to be dominant over other religions. In Islam, Allah has said that when you Muslims have tried your best to motivate the non-Muslim to become a Muslim and if they refused then let them on their religion. It means Islam is not supporting terrorism but seeing someone doing wrong no one can blame the whole community and as it is early mentioned that Islam is the religion of peace and love.
When someone is making a bad impact on any religion then it is the responsibility of the followers of affected religion that they have to save their religion. It is not only for Muslims but the followers of other religions also have this right because every religion is right at their own point of view/thoughts and then we can't call this violence which is for the protection of religion as terrorism. In the world everyone has the right to live like he/she wants to live, so no one has right to interfere in someones life because at least everyone in the world is a believer of God and God has given equality and right to choose your lifestyle as you want. The peace will come to the world when we will stop criticizing the peoples or religions. The Muslims should follow the path of Allah and his beloved prophet Muhammad ﷺ then the world will see the beauty, peace, and love of the Islam because WE ARE MUSLIMS AND WE ARE NOT TERRORISTS.
ISLAM> involvement of sympathy, love, and monorail
WRITER> Baba Tufail Ahmad ( بریلوی )
Contact:7889447706 E-mail:Babatufail19@gmail.com