If we see, at present religion Islam is victimized with a lot of things and terrorism is one among them. Why only Islam is victimized, why not the other religions? If we try to find the answer to this question, different peoples will answer differently but according to me if Islam is victimized a Muslim is more responsible especially some Muslim leaders or I can say, fake leaders. These fake leaders are misusing the legality (sha reat) of Islam, as they are spreading the wrong meanings of the rules and regulations of legality (sha re at). These fake leaders are those peoples who are trying to destroy the dignity of Islam. If we take an example, in Islam jihad is vital only when conditions apply or we can say there are some rules and regulations for jihad i.e. you have to first inform the enemy, you can’t attack the children’s, women’s, old age peoples, you can’t attack the worship places, etc. if we see no striver (mujahid) is following these conditions, why? As I have early mentioned there are some fake leaders or personalities in Islam who are just spreading the wrong concepts, are just trying to fulfill their desires, they are using the tag of jihad or Islam and are just destroying the life of uneducated peoples. Some Muslims are telling that people of other religions are affecting our worship that's why we are not following the rules, I would love to say him/her “the one who is a real believer of Allah and his beloved prophet Muhammadﷺ will never face any difficulty in the worship because he has faith on Allah and his beloved prophet Muhammadﷺ, and those who have faith never stuck in any problem as the world is live just because of faith". I have a grievance with myself and present Muslims I.e. why we Muslims have forgotten that we are the follower of that prophet Muhammadﷺ who is merciful for the whole universe which includes the world, galaxies, and not only the Muslims but also non-Muslims, etc. Why we Muslims have forgotten initially we have to try to negotiate the problems regarding the legality ( shar re at) with dialogue, peace. Why we Muslims have forgotten we can’t blame someone else until we are fully following the legality. These problems are spreading only because of the fake leaders or guiders of Islam who are using the legality (shar reat) of Islam for their purpose, are spreading their wrong concepts in the whole Muslim community.
As a Muslim, I will suggest one thing to all Muslims that some fake personalities are around you, are not working for Islam but their motive is only to destroy the peace, unity, love, and humanity. They are using the tag of Muslims and are affecting the Islam. if someone invites you to do some typical task example jihad first see how our prophet Muhammadﷺ and his companions were doing that work, read the rules and regulation of that work or if you can’t do this then ask your parents/ guardians and also see how much the inviter has sacrificed for Islam, tell him/her you have to lead from the front. The best things we can do for Islam and ourselves are, just try to unite the Muslims (UMMAH), try to stay on our ancestor's path, do jihad with ourselves and devil(shaitan) as these types of jihads are best and fully follow our beloved prophet Muhammadﷺ.if we succeed in this then we don’t have to fight against non-Muslims or oppressors because when they will see our behavior and unity they won’t dare to irritate the Muslims. So Muslims have to think about the dignity of Islam.
سونا جنگل رات اندھیری چھائی بدلی کالی ہے
سونے والو جاگتے رہیو چوروں کی رکھوالی ہے
(امااحمد رضا خان صاحبؒ)
Writer: Baba Tufail ahmad
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